Church Vision


To be a "House of Prayer for all nations" - Isaiah 56 :7b

Church Mission


A praying and witnessing church who have a close personal relationship with The Lord, to change the world for the glory of the Lord.

Church Objectives


  • To prepare every member to know God personally
  • To prepare every member to grow in strong Christian faith, character and purity
  • To grow together with the church as a "body of Christ", which has many different members with unique gifts and different functions to contribute in various aspects for the healthy growth of the church (Ep. 4:16)
  • To train, equip and rise-up fervent disciples of Jesus Christ who will reach out and impact communities, cities and nations for the kingdom of God

Our church exists to train, equip and rise-up fervent disciples of Jesus Christ who will reach out and impact communities, cities and nations for the kingdom of God. A fervent disciple is someone who committed to living for Jesus Christ and doing His commands. This is visibly demonstrated through our investment of time, energy and resources into serving others for the glory of God.

Ephesians 4:16 says,
"From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work."

The church is a "body of Christ", which has many different members with unique gifts and different functions to contribute to various aspects for the healthy growth of the church. As each of us does our part, the whole body grows effectively.

The church is God's team on earth. God wants you to join His team, making a significant contribution to His Kingdom here on earth. By doing so, you will experience a new measure of fulfilment and satisfaction, along with an opportunity for personal growth.